- When were the grottos cut? 这些石窟是何时开凿的呢?
- When were the ancient Olympic Games abolished? 古代奥运会何时废除?
- Dot teethe when be the most painstaking? ? 小孩子长牙齿的时候是最辛苦的么??
- Connie, when was the last time you were on a farm? 康妮,你最后一次在农场是什么时候?
- Connie,when was the last time you were on a farm? 康妮,你最后一次在农场是什么时候?
- When are the committee presenting the plan? 委员会什么时候提出报告?
- When was the atomic age ushered in? 原子时代是什么时候开始的?
- When was the satellite city founded? 这座卫星城市是什么时候兴建的?
- When was the first man - made satellite orbited ? 第一颗人造卫星是何时射入轨道的?
- When was the last time you got a raise? 你上一次加薪是什么时候?
- When was the Chinese Communist Party founded? 中国共产党是什么时候创建的?
- When was the battle of Waterloo fought? 滑铁卢战争什么时候打的?
- When was the infamous person sent to prison? 那个声名狼藉的人什么时候被捕入狱?
- When were the first World Archery Championships held? 第一次世界射箭锦标赛是何时举行的?
- When was the watershed of this change? 她由盛而衰的分水岭是何年代?
- When was the bridge constructed? 那座桥是何时修建的?
- How and when was the name of Beijing derived? 北京的名称是如何得来的?
- When were the first All-England Championships held then? 那第一次全英羽毛球锦标赛是在什么时候举行的呢?
- John: When was the paper first issued? 约翰:这家报纸从什么时候开始发行的?艾琳:我不知道。
- When were the first World Shooting Championships held? 首届工界锦标赛是在哪年举行的?